mastertix is your reliable partner in ticket sales. Our prices can be both above and below the original price. mastertix is your ticket shop for the secondary market. mastertix is a ticket reseller.

mastertix is your ticket reseller on the secondary market, specialising in the resale of tickets. Our prices can be above or below the original price.

mastertix is your ticket reseller on the secondary market, specialising in the resale of tickets. Our prices can be above or below the original price.

General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions

General terms and conditions of masterTIX, Owner: Asena Cihan, Hollerallee 2628209 Bremen
for services relating to tickets, passes and other access authorisations for concerts, shows, sporting events and 
Other events

  • 1 General, scope of application, definitions

(1) The following General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: "AGB") apply to all contractual relationships between us, masterTIX, Bremen, Germany (hereinafter: masterTIX) and the customer, which provide services of the former with regard to tickets, cards and other access authorisations of any kind (hereinafter: "Tickets") for concerts, shows, sporting events and other events (hereinafter: "Events"), and exclusively. We do not recognise any conflicting or deviating terms and conditions on the part of the customer, even if we provide services to the customer without reservation in the knowledge that the customer's terms and conditions conflict with or deviate from the GTC. The term contractual relationships also includes - for the sake of clarity and not conclusively - (i) actual behaviour within the framework of such relationships (such as the provision of information) and (ii) pre-contractual behaviour of masterTIX, insofar as this is of legal relevance.

(2) All agreements made between us and the customer for the purpose of executing this contract are set out in these GTC.

(3) Insofar as the following refers to so-called "personalised tickets" refers to tickets for which the organiser generally attaches importance to the identity of the person who (first) purchased the ticket and the person who actually attends the event. As a rule, this is documented by the organiser by providing a field or similar on the corresponding tickets in which the name of the (first) purchaser is to be entered. Only in very exceptional cases does the organiser itself make this entry; as a rule, this is left to the holder of the ticket.

  • 2 Offer and acceptance, type of service

(1) The tickets advertised by us merely represent an invitation to the customer to submit a related contractual offer in such a way that the customer offers masterTIX to endeavour to procure the desired ticket for the customer by way of a service contract. The offer to conclude the corresponding contract is therefore made by the customer as soon as he clicks on the order button (or similar) during order processing after going through a final correction option (a corresponding order overview is displayed). We shall be deemed to have accepted this offer if we confirm its acceptance by email within the deadlines of § 147 II BGB, at the latest within a period of 2 weeks (hereinafter: "Service contract confirmation"). Alternatively, masterTIX can accept the customer's offer by starting to perform the service requested by the customer. masterTIX does not have to perform the service itself, but is instead authorised to use third parties ("Partner"), which then act as vicarious agents vis-à-vis the customer within the meaning of Section 278 BGB; the latter can also take over the external processing, including invoicing.

(2) The service to be provided by masterTIX consists centrally of finding an owner willing to sell (hereinafter: "previous owner") of a ticket for the very event that the customer wants to attend ("Ticket search"). The subject of the order is also that masterTIX endeavours, immediately after the confirmation of the service contract and then until a point in time before the expiry of which the corresponding dispositions of the customer to participate in the event still appear reasonable (an objective view is taken here, i.e. detached from individual peculiarities on the customer side), to procure at least de facto possession of the desired ticket for the customer by way of a transaction for the person concerned (on his account). If this is successful (i.e. de facto acquisition of ownership), this should be recognised as "Ticket transfer" shall be designated as ". Until the ticket reaches the customer (whether via dispatch, deposit or personal delivery, collectively referred to as "Delivery"), we act as the intermediary in this case.

(3) The service to be provided by masterTIX in accordance with paragraph (2) above requires, depending on the type of ticket (especially in the case of so-called personalised tickets), various acts of cooperation by the customer, such as the provision of such data and documents as well as the submission of such declarations that are necessary under the specific circumstances in order to be able to carry out the ticket transfer. masterTIX will provide the customer with the necessary instructions. Failure by the customer to cooperate in this respect entitles masterTIX to withdraw from the service contract - in any case after setting a deadline to no avail.

(4) masterTIX expressly draws the customer's attention to the fact that event organisers have been using different means and (contractual) design instruments for some time (hereinafter: "Event GTC") to make ticket transfers more difficult or even impossible.öespecially when third parties (as in this case the masterTIX) provide commercial services in relation to the purchase of tickets from the previous owner. This applies in particular in the case of personalised tickets. masterTIX endeavours to reduce the potential for conflict that arises here, in particular by not becoming the (interim) owner of the ticket itself, but by creating the conditions for the customer to purchase the ticket directly from the previous owner and only receiving remuneration for this service, while passing the ticket itself on to the customer at the original price (plus VAT and fees only). Nevertheless, given the diversity of event T&Cs and the lack of any influence by masterTIX no guarantee can be given that the MöThe ticket transfer option is one that can claim legal validity with regard to the relevant Event T&Cs. The möAny consequences of a possible breach of the Event T&Cs (such as the non-granting of access to the event, the forfeiture of a contractual penalty, etc.) fall exclusively within the customer's sphere of risk and in no way affect the remuneration claim of masterTIX for the services rendered, in particular the ticket search. This also applies to the expenses incurred in this connection.

  • (5) Under no circumstances does masterTIX owe the ticket transfer as a contractually stipulated success of its service.
  • (6) If a legally effective ticket transfer to the customer is successful, all claims (such as to access

for and execution of the event) exclusively against the organiser of the respective event. At the latest with the delivery of the ticket to the customer - after at least a de facto ticket transfer - masterTIX has completely fulfilled its obligations from the service contract. masterTIX is in particular not a party to the (possible) legal relationship that may result from the receipt of the ticket by the customer between the customer and the organiser. Circumstances that occur in this respect (e.g. the cancellation or termination of an event as well as its postponement or other significant change, for whatever reason, collectively referred to as "Event cancellation", the possible injury of a customer at an event, etc.) therefore relate exclusively to the legal relationship between the customer and the organiser.

(7) The service provided by masterTIX does not extend to certain ranks, rows, seats or other features below the criterion of the actual seat category (hereinafter collectively referred to as: "Secondary features"). This applies even if certain secondary characteristics were specified in relation to the ticket during the ordering process (ordering the ticket search). The offer made by the customer to masterTIX to conclude a service contract thus automatically (also) extends to such a ticket which, if certain ranks, rows etc. are not available, is at least an equivalent alternative to the ticket actually requested by the customer, taking into account the customer's interests from an objective point of view.

(8) masterTIX receives the information on the events from the organisers. No guarantee is given for the accuracy of the information provided on the masterTIX online presence. This also applies to information that does not originate from the organiser; § 276 paragraph 3 BGB remains unaffected.

  • 3 Prices, terms of payment, dispatch and provision, cancellation by the customer masterTIX

(1) The following remuneration claims of masterTIX against the customer arise from the role of masterTIX as a party that, on the one hand, acts as a service provider and, on the other hand, also endeavours (within the scope of this service) to provide the customer with the ticket without acquiring rights (to the same) in the meantime:


(a) to payment of the remuneration for the services provided, in particular the ticket search;

(b) to reimbursement of the expenses incurred by masterTIX in connection with the ticket transfer, not least those incurred for the purpose of obtaining possession of the ticket in relation to the previous owner.

In the invoice issued to the customer, the above items (a) and (b) form separately recognised components.

(2) The prices quoted by us are always final prices (subject to paragraphs (3) and (4) below) and include the applicable VAT at the statutory rate.

(3) Only the following service / shipping costs (hereinafter: "fees") shall be added to the price resulting from paragraph (1) above:

(a) EUR 7, for shipping or delivery in / to Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, France, Great Britain, Belgium, Switzerland and the Czech Republic (or EUR 12.50 for insured shipping, if desired).

(b) EUR 20,- for shipping to all other countries (no handover option).

(c) If there is less than 8 working days between the day of the event and the commissioning of the services of masterTIX, an additional express surcharge of EUR 4.50 will be charged.

(d) The choice between dispatch or handover (or deposit) lies with masterTIX; the latter is merely a special, voluntary service provided by masterTIX. Tickets in the possession of masterTIX will be dispatched promptly - i.e. in any case with sufficient lead time before the event, i.e. no later than approx. 5 - 7 days before it takes place (assuming payment by the customer as defined in paragraph (4) below). It should be noted here that some (especially foreign) organisers and, accordingly, their customers (who are regularly the "counterparty" of the ticket transfer) only issue the tickets shortly before the event takes place and masterTIX (naturally) cannot issue them earlier. In such cases, it may be unavoidable to hand over the tickets (possibly on the day of the event on site), in particular to prevent postal delivery times exceeding the duration of the event.

(e) In the case of a handover, the same fees are owed as in the case of the dispatch of tickets due to the high expense for masterTIX; the exact location and time is at the reasonable discretion of masterTIX, corresponding instructions are to be observed by the customer. masterTIX endeavours to enable a handover on site as a rule, i.e. at the location of the event. This can also be a deposit at the box office. In the event of problems in connection with the ticket handover, the customer is required to contact masterTIX immediately by telephone (emergency number: +49 1590 6172689

(f) In individual cases, it may be necessary for a special agreement to be reached between the customer and masterTIX regarding individual deliveries and/or special forms of handover, together with a separate cost regulation. Such an individual agreement then takes precedence over these GTC.

(g) If the tickets are issued by the organiser in electronic form (as an "e-ticket" or QR code for the smartphone), they will also be sent in electronic form. masterTIX is free to send the ticket as an attachment by e-mail, to provide the customer with login data for third-party websites, or to transfer the ticket to the customer's registered e-mail address.

(4) The remuneration claim of masterTIX within the meaning of paragraph (1) (a) above arises and becomes due upon confirmation of the service contract by masterTIX. The reimbursement claim from paragraph (1) (b) above arises with the actual incurrence of corresponding expenses; however, masterTIX is entitled to demand an appropriate advance payment from the customer (in any case in the amount of the nominal ticket price), which is due at the same time as the claim under paragraph (1) (a) above. Payment can be made by credit card or bank transfer (advance payment). In the case of credit card payment, payment is processed via Heidelpay using standard market encryption techniques. Upon receipt of the payment by masterTIX (value date on our account), the customer's claim to the execution of the ticket search becomes due; if the ticket search leads to a ticket transfer, the customer's claim to the return of the ticket becomes due.

is due as soon as masterTIX has attained the position of intermediary mentioned in § 2 paragraph (2) above. For the specific fulfilment of this (surrender) claim, however, the provisions of paragraph (3) (d) and (e) above apply.

(5) If payment is not made within a period of 5 days after receipt of the service contract confirmation (the value date of the amount owed on the account of masterTIX is decisive for this), we are entitled to withdraw from the contract in accordance with the statutory provisions. In any case, in cases where there is a period of less than 3 weeks between the last day of the payment period and the event, the cancellation by masterTIX does not require a prior deadline, as masterTIX would otherwise be prevented from an economically sensible utilisation of the previously procured ticket, for which corresponding expenses may already have been incurred. By failing to pay on time, the customer implicitly and irrevocably offers masterTIX the transfer of ownership of a ticket that may have already been procured in the meantime to the latter, in return for the waiver of the claim from paragraph (1) (a) and (b) above. masterTIX is free to accept this offer or to insist on fulfilment of the contract by the customer. masterTIX will inform the customer of this legal consequence separately in the service contract confirmation; the customer is also given the opportunity to make an express declaration within the aforementioned payment period. Further claims against the customer due to non-fulfilment or improper fulfilment of the contract by the customer remain reserved.

(6) If the customer is an entrepreneur, he shall bear the risk of dispatch within the meaning of § 447 BGB. If the customer is a consumer, the above shall apply if the customer was expressly offered shipping insurance as part of the order processing and the customer has rejected this.

  • 4 Warranty, liability and event conditions; event cancellation

(1) The customer is obliged to check the ticket immediately upon receipt for any discrepancies between its actual content and that of the order (content of the service contract confirmation) (e.g. incorrect event or incorrect seat category) and to report any discrepancies promptly by email to After returning the initially issued ticket (GL will issue a corresponding dispatch instruction and bear the associated costs), GL will endeavour to obtain a contractually compliant ticket for the customer as quickly as possible by taking further action within the meaning of § 2 paragraph (2). If this is ultimately unsuccessful (which is assumed to be the case as soon as the customer can no longer reasonably make arrangements to participate in the event, whereby an objective assessment is made in this respect that is detached from individual particularities on the customer side), masterTIX will reimburse the customer for the remuneration paid by the customer in accordance with § 3 paragraph (1). Any further claims of the customer against masterTIX exist at most within the limits set out in paragraph (4) below.

(2) Subject to § 323 II BGB, breaches of duty on the part of masterTIX for which it is not responsible do not entitle the customer to withdraw from the contract if they have not led to an impairment of the ticket transfer (see § 2 paragraphs (2) and (4)). Other (additional) statutory requirements for the assertion of cancellation rights remain - for the sake of clarification - unaffected.

(3) The customer is aware and is hereby informed once again that participation in the event is determined exclusively in accordance with the contractual relationship that (possibly) comes about on the basis of the ticket between the customer and the organiser of the event. masterTIX has no influence on this contractual relationship. The organiser regularly shapes this by using its own general terms and conditions and other provisions, compliance with which by the customer is in the customer's own interest. Non-compliance can lead to legal or actual (sometimes considerable) disadvantages for the customer, not least exclusion from the event. Such events have no influence whatsoever on the contractual relationship between masterTIX and the customer.

(3a) Neither has masterTIX for an event cancellation; any claims arising from this for the customer are based solely on - so at all - against the organiser. The remuneration claim of masterTIX within the meaning of § 3 paragraph (1) also remains unaffected here. In the event of a (final) cancellation of the event or similar by the organiser, refunds to masterTIX which can be assigned to specific tickets will be masterTIX check on a goodwill basis whether such payments can be forwarded to the respective customers upon presentation of the original ticket (and assignment of all rights in connection therewith) köcan. There is no legal obligation to do so. It should be noted that any refunds from event organisers are not based on the provisions contained in § 3 paragraph (1) (a).

The costs of the ticket search as such (i.e. in particular the ticket search as such). This cost item must therefore always be borne by the customer in the event of an event cancellation.

(4) masterTIX is liable for damages (or reimbursement of expenses), irrespective of the legal nature (in particular the specific basis of the claim) and the type and scope (damages in lieu of performance, damage caused by delay, collateral damage, consequential damage, etc.) of the asserted claim,

(a) in accordance with the statutory provisions, provided that:
(aa) the customer asserts claims based on intent or gross negligence;

(bb) an assumed guarantee or culpable breach of a material contractual obligation. Material contractual obligations are those which protect the customer's legal positions which are material to the contract and which the contract must grant him according to its content and purpose. These obligations also include those whose fulfilment makes the proper execution of the contract possible in the first place and on whose compliance the customer has regularly relied or may rely;

(cc) culpable behaviour on the part of masterTIX leads to injury to the life, body or health of the customer;

(dd) mandatory liability under ProdHG is justified.
Corresponding fault on the part of our representatives and vicarious agents shall be attributed to us.

(b) In cases (bb) of (a), however, the liability of masterTIX - if the fault is below the level of gross negligence - is limited to the foreseeable, typically occurring damage. At the same time, the limitation period is then limited to 1 year, calculated from the start of the statutory limitation period.

(c) Otherwise - i.e. for constellations outside the cases regulated in (aa) to (dd) of (a) above - masterTIX's liability for damages / reimbursement of expenses is excluded. This exclusion of liability also applies in favour of the representatives and vicarious agents of masterTIX.

(d) A change in the burden of proof to the detriment of the customer is not associated with the above provisions under (a) - (c).

  • 5 Statutory exclusion of the right of cancellation

The services of masterTIX with regard to the tickets relate to such services (to be provided by the organiser) within the meaning of § 312g (2) No. 9 BGB, which belong to the area of leisure activities (together with related services) and are to be provided (in any case by the organiser of the event) at a specific time or within a precisely specified period. This means that the customer has no right of cancellation by law; the customer is (also) not granted a right of return by these GTC. This means that all orders placed by the customer for services relating to tickets are binding and - following confirmation of the service contract by masterTIX - constitute an unconditional obligation to make the payments to masterTIX described in § 3 paragraphs (1) and (3) when due.

  • 6 Offsetting

The customer shall only be entitled to set-off rights if his counterclaims have been legally established, are undisputed or have been recognised by us. In addition, the customer is authorised to exercise a right of retention insofar as his counterclaim is based on the same contractual relationship.

  • 7 Data protection and data processing

(1) masterTIX processes the customer's personal data in compliance with the data protection provisions applicable to the contract. The customer's personal data will be collected, processed and used by us in an automated process to the extent necessary for the establishment, organisation or amendment of the contractual relationship.

masterTIX is entitled to transfer this data within the legal requirements, not least the GDPR, to third parties commissioned by it with the execution of the contract between it and the customer, insofar as this is necessary to fulfil the concluded contracts. Here too, masterTIX guarantees that the customer's data will not be passed on to (other) third parties for marketing purposes.

(2) With the corresponding consent of the customer, we and, if applicable, our co-branding partner, from whose website the customer has accessed our shop or commissioned our services, are also authorised to collect, process and use the data received to advise the customer, for advertising, for market research for our own purposes and for the needs-based design of our offers. This consent can be revoked by the customer at any time without giving reasons.

(3) Credit card data and account data are not processed or stored and are not made accessible to third parties. All order and payment transactions are SSL-encrypted.

(4) When you visit our website and give your consent, your personal settings are stored in a browser cookie on your hard drive. This only contains information about the language and currency you have selected. This ensures that these settings can be restored for you each time you visit our website. If your browser is set to block cookies, we cannot guarantee the full functionality of our website. If you wish, you can delete cookies from your hard drive at any time.

(5) For more details on how masterTIX deals with data protection issues, please refer to our comprehensive privacy policy, which we provide for you at Via the same link you will also find the data-related declaration of consent for customers as well as comprehensive information on this, so that the customer is able to make an informed decision at all times.

  • 8 Place of jurisdiction, place of fulfilment, miscellaneous

(1) Unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, the place of fulfilment and payment shall be our registered office. If the customer is not also a merchant, the statutory provisions on jurisdiction, e.g. consumer-favourable options or jurisdiction provisions of EC Regulation No. 44/2001, shall remain unaffected.

(2) For all disputes relating to or in connection with tickets and the contractual relationships relating to them - including merely initiated contractual relationships - the courts in Germany shall have exclusive national and international jurisdiction. However, we are free to sue the customer, who is a merchant or other person without consumer status, at his place of business.

(3) The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply (irrespective of whether we involve a partner in the fulfilment of the contractual relationship) (hereinafter: "FRG"), but to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the provisions of German private international law. This shall also apply in cases in which the customer does not have his habitual residence in the Federal Republic of Germany, but then with the proviso that the application of German law shall not supersede such provisions at the place of the customer's habitual residence which are intended to protect the customer and which may not be deviated from by agreement under local law.

(4) In the event of any ambiguities, inconsistencies or contradictions between this version of the GTC and any existing versions in other languages, the German version shall prevail.

(5) If, in the case of contracts between masterTIX and the customer, of which these GTC become an integral part through their inclusion, individual or several of their provisions or parts thereof outside of these GTC are or become invalid for reasons other than those of §§ 305 - 310 BGB, the validity of the remaining provisions or parts thereof shall not be affected; rather, masterTIX and the customer are obliged in these cases to co-operate on a new provision that comes as close as possible to the economic intentions of the affected provisions / parts thereof. The same applies in the case of gaps in the contract that need to be filled. § Section 306 BGB remains unaffected.

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